If you want the impression of real live musicians plonked in the room in front of you, Lumin delivers.
— Hifi News 'Outstanding Product' award
The Hong Kong based pioneer of DSD streaming that can stream everything, from MQA to DSD, FLAC to WAV, LUMIN can play all the high-resolution formats you could ever want. The LUMIN App is created in harmony with the LUMIN hardware to deliver the most intuitive and visually rich way to browse, select and play your music collection. LUMIN is always evolving. The full LUMIN range benefits from their programme of continuous development, allowing you to relax in the knowledge that wherever possible they’ll bring you the latest streaming technologies. Lumin have put a huge amount of effort into sourcing the highest-grade matching components, creating truly balanced circuits, designing cases that shield from interference, etc, etc, but it's only important if the end result effectively communicates the intentions of the artist.
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